Elbow Replacement
Know Your Package Price and Other Details
Elbow Replacement, or Total Elbow Arthroplasty, involves the surgical replacement of damaged or diseased portions of the elbow joint with prosthetic components. It is usually recommended for patients with severe arthritis, traumatic fractures, or significant joint dysfunction. This procedure helps alleviate persistent pain, restores joint mobility, and enhances arm function.
DESUN Hospital, Kolkata, India offers great advantages to people looking for affordable elbow replacement surgery as not only the cost of elbow replacement surgery in DESUN is quite low but the surgeons are well accomplished in the field. DESUN also offers latest and most advance technology.
- 8 Days’ Hospital Stay
- Medicines, Consumables, Disposables & Investigations Related to the Procedure / Package
- Doctor Team Fees
- Operation Theatre Charges
Does not include
- Cost of Elbow (Implant)
(Cost of elbow to be charged at actual as applicable)
- Bed Charges Beyond 8 Days
- Treatment of illness / Health Condition Not Directly Related to the Procedure / Package
Accommodation for “Out Station” Patients
For families/patient parties of patients coming from far away districts, other states & outside India, we can help find accommodation at Guest Houses / Hotels near the hospital.