What is Radiation Oncology? Radiation oncology is a medical discipline that involves the use of ionising radiation, such as high-energy X-rays, in treatment of different diseases. It is a critical com...
According to research, more than half a billion people around the world continue to be affected by cardiovascular diseases, which accounted for 20.5 million deaths in 2021 – close to a third of all ...
CFS or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is more common in women than men. It is a condition where a person can feel very tired or exhausted with little activity and the tiredness takes a lot of time to go wit...
Obesity is also a cause of heart disease. Excess body weight can lead to a number of lifestyle diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, too much of bad cholesterol, clogged arteries. It also cause...
Osteoporosis is a condition where the there is loss of bone, the bones become porous, spongy and weak. Such bones are susceptible to fractures, injuries. There may be regular body pain and loss of hei...
HEPATITIS is an inflammatory condition of the liver in most cases caused by viral infections. There may be other reasons too. Major functions of LIVER Helps in digestion through production of b...
Make this festival of colours a happy experience for all. Do not pour colours on unwilling people. They are may be averse to colours due to some kind of skin allergy, asthma or other medical co...
Today a large number of women are managing both home and office. Women have created mark in all spheres of work and contributing towards nation building alongside men. Recent studies and trends su...
It was early morning that Mr. Roy was sitting at the waiting lounge of his son Ashutosh’s office. They had plans to visit a nearby organic market Ashutosh’s night shift office get over. Ashutosh i...
What is varicose veins or spider veins ? In simple words when the veins become inflated, they are called Varicose Veins Commonly Affected Areas Thighs Legs Feet Symptoms of varicose veins Feet feel he...
Vitamins are essential for proper function of the body and organs. Balanced vitamin consumption through regular food and supplements is essential. Deficiency of vitamins can lead to various healths re...
Fruits are good for health; in fact fruits can be a major part of our diet. Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients. A couple of fruits or seasonal fruits day can keep us health and happy....
Arthritis & its precautions Once a person is over the age of 50 years, more often the word ‘Arthritis’ becomes part of his or her vocabulary. For those of us who are younger, we too associate ...
Lightning during thunder storms, rain or other times can be very dangerous. Lightning is a major killer and chances of recovery after being struck by Lightning are not very high. Children, pets and ev...
What is Atrial Myxoma? It is a benign tumour of the heart, such tumours are commonly found within the left and right atria on the interatrial septum. Atrial Myxoma can be treated with surgical and med...
Pay Rupees 2500 monthly and get heart operations done in easy equal monthly installments. Heart surgeries like heart bypass to angioplasty with stent all comes within INR 2500 installment payment per ...
Desun Hospital located in Kolkata, India is among the very few superspeciality hospitals in India to offer Installment Payment Facility for Cardiac Surgeries. Now cardiac Surgeries and in future may ...
Vitamins and Minerals for a Happy Healthy Body – Easy Regular Food Source.
Vitamins and Minerals are essential for the body and they help in vital functioning of the human body. These are some simple easy sources of vitamins and minerals for a good healthy diet and happy hea...
A good sleep is very important for good mind and good health. People who sleep sound are more energetic, agile and good performers at work. Avoid over-eating, long phone calls, emotional disturbing co...
Most of us work-out either at home, in group or at any health club or gym. We love our health body and mind. There are few instances where we require being more alert. Some easy good hygiene tips fo...
Desun Hospital & Heart Institute is an affordable hospital with low cost high-end heart test facilities. The Heart Test packages at Desun Hospital help patients to know condition of their heart we...
Desun Hospital and Heart Institute is located in Kolkata. Desun is now operating successfully for few years and a lot many people from not only Kolkata but also Parts of West Bengal and India visit De...
Desun Hospital is Eastern India’s Youngest NABH Accredited Hospital. NABH is an acronym for National Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers, founded by the Government of India in 2006 as a b...
Desun Hospital and Heart Institute is the only Superspeciality Hospital in Eastern India to have received the prestigious NABH Accreditation. The hospital is located at EM Bypass, Kasba Golpark, Kolka...
Desun Hospital and Heart Institute is a low cost affordable hospital. The hospital has established their brand as a people’s hospital and till date a large number of patients have been happily treat...
Today weight loss and staying fit is a major topic of discussion and people keep on trying various types of work outs to loose weight and stay healthy. It is a big topic of discussion which is better ...
Fruits are great source of nutrients, vitamins and anti-oxidant. A fruit diet once a day will help you to LOOSE WEIGHT, stay FRESH and HEALTHY. Fruits are ideal for weight management programme. Here a...
Healthy and Happy heart foods will keep our Heart young, healthy and we will be happy in good health. Just few simple things to FOLLOW and EAT that will keep our Heart healthy and will reduce the chan...
Last week an apparently healthy young man of around 24 years died of heart attack in office. A heart attack can happen suddenly, and during such critical moments, it is very important to act soon to s...
Fat is a major killer; both physical and mental. Being overweight and fat can make you depressed of your looks and also is not good for your health. But, there are some very common food items that kil...
Wake-Up easy on Monday Morning, Have a Great day at Work. Beat the Monday Morning Blues. Just Follow this for a happy mind and good health. No Stress – All FuN
Reaching office in time, sticking to your computer and leaving work late hardly leaves time for exercising to keep you fit and healthy. Exercising, stretching is very important for a good health, a he...
Cold & Allergies are very common in winter. There are differences between cold and allergy but many of the symptoms are similar. A very major difference is that cold in most cases do not prevail b...
As 2011 comes to a close, we look forward to 2012 for a new and exciting year. 2011 has been an eventful year for all of us here at DESUN Hospital & Heart Institute. This year in June, we became t...
This new year 2012 take the resolution to quit Cigarette smoking and also to make cigarette smokers aware of the ill effects of smoking on cardiac health, Lungs and our body in general. Live long and ...
A family is incomplete without all the members and Desun Hospital gives this emotion a priority. At Desun hospital we take care to discharge patients soon and healthy so that they return to their fami...