90 5171 5171
All Specialities & Departments
Emergency Services
24 Hrs Ambulance Service
24 Hrs Specialist Doctors
1 Ventilation with Each ICU Bed
Desun Burn Unit
24 Hrs Pharmacy
24 Hrs Diagnostics
Cardiac Care
Cardiac Surgeries
Cardiac Health Check
Gastro Institute
Burn Unit
Woman & Child
Frequently Asked Questions
Outpatient Department (OPD)
What are the OPD hours?
Do I need to book an appointment, or can I walk in?
How do I book an appointment?
What documents should I bring for my appointment?
Do you offer tele-consultation services?
Do you accept insurance or health cards for OPD consultations?
What modes of payment are accepted?
How do I cancel or reschedule an appointment?
Can I request a specific doctor for my consultation?
How do I collect my diagnostic reports?
Inpatient Department (OPD)
How do I get admitted to the hospital?
What documents are required for admission?
Can I choose the type of room for my stay?
Is a deposit required at the time of admission?
Can a family member stay with me?
Can I get a summary of my treatment?
What are the visiting hours for family and relatives?
Health Checkups
Treatments & Surgeries
Corporate Patient Care
International Patient Care
Doctor Booking
Health Checkups
Treatments & Surgeries
Corporate Patient Care
International Patient Care
Doctor Booking
Health Checkups
Treatments & Surgeries
Corporate Patient Care
International Patient Care
Doctor Booking
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